Seriously, how to cross the border at Sixaola from Costa Rica to Bocas del Toro
Simple travel, and yet not so simple. Sloth on an electric wire, taken on a walk outside Bocas.
Messing about in the garden
With deference to the Water Rat, messing about in the garden is worth doing
!Que hot fun policies!
Words that are not as specific as they should be, the curvy roads of a foreign language, and extra ubuntu
Every language is an old growth forest of the mind
And I contain multitudes. (Feat: Allen Crawford’s masterful illustrations, lectures on potential realities viewed through indigenous languages, and what that could mean)
The life lessons of how to prune a tree
There is something called the habit of the tree, which is its nature, how it wants to grow. This innate pattern is very important. At least 50% of the time spent pruning a tree is spent looking at it. And then there is an order and proportion to follow.
BPA Posters
Posters created by the Bonneville Power Administration for development of hydropower in World War II war industries
Visual Power of a Logo
The genuinely interesting path and intention behind the Oceanic Rebel logo